Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My curiosity to discover the truth of our life took me to a new point,‘Spirituality’ . Last night while I was reading a book I got the idea about the reason for our very existence is to attain spiritual growth. We are more of a spiritual being than we are a physical being. We assume a body of flesh out of a desire for spiritual growth, to complete a mission for God. Love is something which we need to sustain ourselves, loving others and everything is all that really matters. Everything else, our achievements and material wealth, is totally irrelevant. The important thing is to love people, nature, animals, and everything in creation. Until we give attention to others, we will not be able to grow spiritually. Our choice is between the spirit of God and the spirit of self. The good we do for others will eventually come back to us. The important things are that we are to help each other rise to a higher level of love. Life is about people, not pursuits. It is about loving people, not things. We came into this world to overcome trouble and to learn from it. But many people don't realize this and complain about their bad luck and spend their lives chasing pleasure, fame and money. Then they die without making any spiritual progress. All souls come to earth to test their spiritual ideals to see if they are real or not. The ideal place to grow spiritually is on earth this is the reason for life on earth. Our minds are led by the spirit we are entertaining, the spirit of God or the spirit of self. Whatever we become in life is meaningless unless it is done for the benefit of others. Being religious doesn’t mean to be spiritual. In fact, religion and spirituality are different,

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