Friday, June 13, 2008

New Age Spirituality

What does spirituality really mean? , in an age where every virtue which was given earlier is imbued with a touch of the spiritual. Being polite and helpful to offer a bus seat to an elderly person while travelling in a bus, or giving your servant some extra food for her Childs. Straight from the columns of the Times Life, “Spirituality” a so called act of charity, a song of joy, which resides in the heart, a connection that one feels with fellow beings that extends beyond empathy or that moment when we connect to the silence within ourselves. According to the spiritualist, it’s a sense that goes beyond thoughtlessness and aims at alignment with nature and the universe. However new age spirituality, particularly among the swish set seems to imply that life’s party and every body is invited, but surely it means much than that. True spirituality has to do with heightened sensuality or senses and doesn’t isolate. It is the oneness of life that’s important.
The centre preaches that there is a higher intelligence in all of us to which we are not connected. We are all divine, and God is a higher aspect of oneself, the intimate is everywhere yet nowhere. The divine is what connect us with the next person and makes us a better human beings, more joyous, loving, efficient, living in less and less conflict.